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post #1 of 3 (permalink) Old 11-06-2020, 09:53 PM Thread Starter
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Oil light on

Potential newb here,

I'm potentially purchasing a 07 FZ6 with 13,xxx miles on it. An acquaintance of mine is selling and he graciously offered to let me stretch the FZ6's legs a little. My plan was 100+ miles. I left for work and after 21 miles NP. Left work for my journey and hopped on the freeway. Once the speed limit got to 70, the red oil light came on. I exited immediately. When getting down to 35-45 mph, light goes off. So, I press on and same thing. I get to my destination and checked oil level, leaks etc. all good. Decided to get home asap, and took back roads averaging 55-65 mph. No light! Got close to home and tried 70 mph again, red light on. Exited for home and light goes off after 1 minute or so.

Back story about current owner. He stopped riding 2 years ago due to problems with his clutch hand. So, bike has not been run at high rpm in awhile. But, he did start it every month and let it idle.

Anyone have something similar? I really like the bike, but If this turns out to be a bad oil pump, no go!

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post #2 of 3 (permalink) Old 04-07-2021, 07:05 AM
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Originally Posted by deuceputts View Post
Potential newb here,

I'm potentially purchasing a 07 FZ6 with 13,xxx miles on it. An acquaintance of mine is selling and he graciously offered to let me stretch the FZ6's legs a little. My plan was 100+ miles. I left for work and after 21 miles NP. Left work for my journey and hopped on the freeway. Once the speed limit got to 70, the red oil light came on. I exited immediately. When getting down to 35-45 mph, light goes off. So, I press on and same thing. I get to my destination and checked oil level, leaks etc. all good. Decided to get home asap, and took back roads averaging 55-65 mph. No light! Got close to home and tried 70 mph again, red light on. Exited for home and light goes off after 1 minute or so.

Back story about current owner. He stopped riding 2 years ago due to problems with his clutch hand. So, bike has not been run at high rpm in awhile. But, he did start it every month and let it idle.

Anyone have something similar? I really like the bike, but If this turns out to be a bad oil pump, no go!

The FZ6 oil light comes from a oil LEVEL sensor.

So, there could be a couple of situations there.

1 There is low oil level, maybe the oil level is not so high, so when you are at speed, the oil gets squeezed to a side of the engine, leaving the oil level sensor, a little thirsty.
2 The oil level or ECU have a misconnection... this is possible too, maybe the conection is failing, a broken cable or connector, etc
3 The oil is too old so the properties are making it to be very low in viscocity, so as being very liquid, in can go all over the place, being very easily squeezed too, so calling the option 1 again.

The oil level sensor is the lowest part of the engine, there is a misconception, some people think that the oil level, really is a oil pressure sensor and THIS IS NOT THE CASE WITH THIS ENGINE, the sensor measures the oil LEVEL, very similar to the fuel level sensor.

As you can see when you are low in fuel, you can trick very easily the fuel sensor moving the bike. The same think happends with the oil sensor.
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post #3 of 3 (permalink) Old 04-07-2021, 12:16 PM
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A perfect answer @leorojasma. Yamahas have a tendency to show the low oil level light when the bike is cold, and it goes away when it warms up, even when the oil level is fine. It's also more common to see an oil level light when the oil is dirty, as explained above. The most likely scenario is that you have some of both going on for that bike. The oil is getting close to change interval and it may be slightly low. Not low enough to trigger the low oil light at idle, but enough to do so at speed. No big deal. A little top off or a normal oil/filter change and most likely you won't see that happen on the next ride. If it did repeat, some more investigation is warranted, but it's not a crisis to worry about. Just a sensor/wire corrosion/connection issue.

Tupelo, MS
'05 FZ6
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